Directory of health and community services: health information, advice and community support
It includes listings of local and national services for advice and information on a wide range of areas, including mental health support, food banks, community spaces and drug and alcohol support.

Winter can be difficult for many. Healthwatch Stockton-on-Tees is here to do what they do best; signposting and offering support to the local community.
Whether you are looking for advice on how to stay healthy this winter, or you are looking for support for your mental health or cost of living. This page has a range of support which you may benefit from, with top tips on how to stay well this winter.
Top tips to stay well:
- The NHS winter flu and Covid-19 vaccination programme provides vital protection to those most vulnerable. If you are eligible, you will receive an invite to receive your vaccinations and it is really important to come forward to keep yourself protected.
- If you feel unwell and are concerned about your symptoms but it is not life-threatening, contact NHS 111 before heading straight to A&E. But remember, 999 is still available for life-threatening emergencies.
- Over the festive period, pharmacy opening hours may not be the same. Remember to order and collect any medication before the pharmacy or GP closes for Christmas.
- Look out for vulnerable relatives, friends and neighbours.
Healthwatch England have further advice on staying well this winter. Find out more here.
Directory of health and community services: health information, advice and community support:
A Way Out |
Outreach and prevention charity for women, families & young people to live lives free from harm, abuse & exploitation
| | 01642 655071 |
Offers information and advice for families of alcohol and drug users.
| | 07442 137421 |
Age UK Teesside |
Charity which supports older people across Stockton.
| | 01642 805500 |
Age UK |
Information and support for older people.
| | 0800 678 1602 |
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) |
A self-help organisation for alcoholics.
| | 0800 9177 650 |
Arch Teesside |
Specialist sexual violence service offering free and confidential support.
| | 01642 822331 |
Arthritis Care |
Provides high quality information and support to people with arthritis.
| | 0300 790 0400 |
Asthma & Lung UK |
Works to stop asthma attacks.
| | 0300 222 5800 |
BEAT | Support for people with eating disorders | |
0808 801 0677 (England) Beat’s helplines are open 365 days a year from 1pm to 9pm during the week, and 5pm to 9pm on weekends and bank holidays.
Billingham and Stockton Foodbank
| | 07583 575522 | |
Blue Badge Scheme |
Helps people with severe mobility problems, park close to their destination.
| | |
Bright Minds Big Futures |
A youth-led movement, working together with Stockton-on- Tees Borough Council to make the borough a great place grow up.
| | 01642 526026 |
CALM - Campaign Against Living Miserably
Taking a stand against suicide. | | 0800 585858 (5pm – midnight) |
Care Quality Commission |
The independent health and adult social care regulator.
| | 03000 616161 |
Catalyst |
The strategic infrastructure organisation for Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations based or operating within Stockton-on-Tees.
| | 01642 733906 |
Citizens Advice Service |
Offers practical, up-to-date information and advice on a wide range of topics.
| | 0800 144 8848 |
Colostomy UK |
Charity that supports and empowers people living with a stoma.
| | 0800 3234257 |
Community Connect Stockton |
We help people take the first steps to improve health and wellbeing through local groups & activities.
| | 01642 647770 |
Cruse | Information and support after a bereavement. | |
0808 808 1677 The Cruse helpline is open Monday to Friday, from 9:30am. The closing time varies per day, from 5pm to 8pm. You can check Cruse’s helplines page for more information about their opening hours.
Daisy Chain Project |
Provides a haven for families affected by autism in the Tees Valley.
| | 01642 531248 |
Drinkaware Trust |
Independent UK-wide organisation that aims to improve our drinking behaviour to help reduce alcohol misuse and minimise alcohol related harm.
| | 0300 1231110 |
Eastern Ravens Trust |
Helping young carers get the support they need.
| | 01642 678454 |
Hart Gables |
Charity specialising in all things LGBT. Support | Advocacy | Teesside based
| | 01642 675509 |
Hebron Church Foodbank | | 01642 689012 | |
Helping Hands |
Range of home care and live-in services, ranging from 30 minutes to full-time live-in care.
| | 0330 818 3898 |
Kooth |
Online mental health support and counselling service for Young People.
| |
07495 550110 07951 183745 |
Lighthouse Centre |
Support and information service for those 16+ suffering emotional distress/mental health problems in the Stockton area.
| | 01642 647086 |
LGBT Foundation | Advice, support and information for people identifying as LGBTQ+. | |
0345 3 30 30 30 The LGBT Foundation helpline is open on weekdays 9am to 9pm and weekends 10am to 5:30pm.
Little Sprouts |
Community Interest Company dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of our community.
| |
07980 808920 07501 331331 |
Live Well Dementia Hub |
Community based service for anyone living in Stockton-on-Tees who would like information, support or training related to dementia.
| | 01642 527363 |
Look Ahead Cancer Campaign |
Charity which aims to raise awareness of head and neck cancer, by providing information on risk factors and symptoms.
| | 01642 531109 |
Macular Society |
Supports people with macular conditions, like age-related macular degeneration , and funds research to find a cure.
| | 0300 3030 111 |
Money Helper |
Provides free and impartial money advice. | |
0800 138 7777 (English) The MoneyHelper helpline is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. The helpline is closed on bank holidays.
North of England Refugee Service |
An independent and charitable organisation to meet the needs and promote the interests of asylum seekers and refugees who have arrived or have settled in the North of England.
| | 01642 217447 (Teesside) |
NHS 111 Mental Health Support |
Crisis Support Experiencing a mental health crisis? Access urgent support 24/7. | |
Call NHS 111 and select the mental health option (option 2). Calls will be answered by mental health advisors who will ask you some questions and listen to you.
NHS111 |
Non-emergency medical help and advice for people in England.
| | 111 18001 111 (text relay) |
The leading children’s charity fighting to end child abuse in the UK. They help children to rebuild their lives, protect those at risk, and find the best ways to prevent abuse.
| |
Help for adults concerned about a child: 0808 800 5000 Help for children and young people: 0800 1111 |
Papyrus |
Charity for the prevention of young suicide (under 35) in the UK.
| | Call PAPYRUS HOPELINE247 on 0800 068 4141 |
Parkinsons UK |
The Parkinsons support and research charity.
| | 0808 800 0303 |
Red Balloons |
Charity offering a safe place for those with mental health illnesses, those who care for those with mental health illnesses and anyone who is interested in improving their general wellbeing.
| | 07871 658157 |
Refugee Futures
Working together to help Refugees flourish in Stockton-On-Tees
| | 07542 015870 |
RNID National Hearing Loss Charity |
This charity gives practical information and advice about hearing loss.
| | |
Salvation Army Foodbank
| | 01642 617629 | |
Samaritans |
Whatever you're going through, you can call us any time, from any phone for FREE in the UK and Ireland.
| | 116 123 |
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Information Directory |
Find details of services, advice and support for adults, children, young people and families living in Stockton-on-Tees.
| | |
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Warm Homes Healthy People |
Cold temperatures can have a serious impact on your health and wellbeing. Keeping warm and healthy during the cold weather can help keep illness away.
| | |
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Warm Welcome |
Warm Welcome social events are weekly and open to anyone to come along for a cuppa, meet old and new friends over a game of cards, dominoes or bingo, and have a friendly chat.
| | |
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Winter Wellbeing |
The cold weather over the winter months can make it much more difficult for individuals and families. Here are details of some of the support services across the Borough to help you through the winter.
| | |
Shape the Play |
Football inspired fitness for Stockton.
| | 01642 717770 |
Shout is the UK's first and only 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis. Get free, confidential mental health support anytime, anywhere.
| | To start a conversation, text the word ‘Shout’ to 85258. If you're viewing this on your phone, tap the 'TEXT US' button below. |
Sightline |
Sightline provide telephone-based befriending and helpline support for people affected by sight loss.
| |
0800 587 2252 The helpline operates every evening. Open 6pm-10pm, 365 days a year. |
St Andrews Methodist Church Foodbank
St Andrew's Methodist Church Stockton | 07810 521255 | |
St Michaels and All Angels Foodbank
St Michael & All Angels Norton - A Church Near You | 0750 464005 | |
Stockton Adult Carers Support Service |
Available for Carers who are 18 years of age or above who care for another adult living in Stockton.
| | 01642 524449 |
Stockton CAB |
Citizens Advice Bureau for the Borough of Stockton-on-Tees. They aim to spread information to prevent suffering.
| | 01642 633877 |
Stockton Council Here to Help |
Here you will find information on the benefits, advice and support available to you to help you through the cost of living crisis.
| | 01642 528989 |
Stockton Food Power Network |
Helping people across Stockton-on-Tees get healthy food they can afford with foodbanks, eco shops etc
Stockton-on-Tees Food Power Network - Stockton Information Directory | 07939 962928 |
Stockton on Tees Time Out support service |
Part of Stockton Adult Carers' Support Service offering up to *8 hour per month free of charge support to informal carers to enable them to have a break from their caring role.
| | 01642 524494 |
Stockton Wellbeing Hub |
A shop for advice about employment, money, housing, isolation, loneliness and mental health, bereavement or drug and alcohol support.
| | |
Stroke Association |
Stroke information for stroke patients, their families and carers.
| | 0303 3033100 |
Talk to Frank |
National drugs awareness site for young people and parents/carers.
| | 0300 1236600 |
Teesside & District Society for the Blind |
Working towards a community for the blind, helping them stay independent and raising their quality of life.
Teesside & District Society for the Blind | Middlesbrough | 01642 247518 |
Teesside Dementia Link Services |
Charity based in the Tees Valley that aims to provide support to dementia sufferers and their carers, through support groups, activities and social events.
| | 07722 958610 |
Teesside MIND |
Local charity that provides confidential services for people experiencing emotional or mental health problems and their families.
| | 01642 257020 |
Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board |
Responsible for protecting and promoting an adults right to live an independent life, in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
| | |
The Bread & Butter Thing |
Offers high-quality, low-cost food to everyone in Stockton-on-Tees.
| | 07860 063304 |
The Bridges Project Family/Carer and Grandparents Support Service |
The service is available to everyone who has been directly affected by someone else's substance misuse-including parents, partners, grandparents, brother and sisters (over 18 years old).
| |
01642 605222 07957 224486 |
The Family Planning Association |
The UK's leading sexual health charity, offering a wide range of information on sexual health issues, including contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy choices, abortion, and planning a pregnancy.
| | 0300 1237123 |
The Moses Project |
A charitable company which provides guidance, mentoring and support to hundreds of adult males with past and current addictions to drugs and alcohol.
| |
07753 801012 (M) 01642 688901 (O) |
Thornaby Foodbank |
| | |
United Response |
Charity which provides person-centred support to over 2000 people across England and Wales.
United Response | 0208 016 5678 |
Words of Welcome Foodbank | St Cuthbert's Church Hall - Stockton Information Directory | 01642 674321 | |
Yarm Wellness |
To provide a positive impact on the well-being of the wider community through the provision of creative sessions, peer support groups, community drop in cafes and wellness classes.
| | 07732 395441 |
Young at Heart |
Friendship group for people with dementia and their carers to attend together. The run groups In several locations across the Borough.
| |
07590 535448 0191 500 6122 |
You can download the full directory below, with website links and contact details.