Looking for services near you?
We know that finding the services you need to look after your health care can be confusing. Put in your postcode to find out more about your nearest services.
If you would like more information on local support services, please get in touch.
Information and Signposting Directory
You can also check our information and signposting directory of organisations and community support groups which provide information and advice on a wide range of health care matters, including Covid-19.
Community Connect Stockton-on-Tees
Community Connect Stockton-on-Tees offers one to one support to help people to live healthier lives by increasing confidence, control and independence and reducing stress and isolation.
Friendly navigators help people to find and access local activities and services that can help improve their health and wellbeing.
Stockton-on-Tees Community Wellbeing Champions
Previously the COVID-19 Champions, we are now the Community Wellbeing Champions. This network provides information and support around wider health issues as well as the latest COVID-19 guidance in the borough of Stockton-on-Tees.
All key messages are verified by Public Health to ensure you have access to accurate and up to date guidance.