Sexual Health - Stakeholder Survey (Stockton-on-Tees)
Sexual health covers advice and services around contraception including pregnancy testing, relationships, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) for example chlamydia and HIV and abortions.
Good sexual health matters to individuals and communities but sexual health needs vary according to things such as age, gender, sexual orientation and ethnicity. Sexual Health Services are provided through a number of clinics and other locations across Teesside by your local councils and the NHS. They are free and confidential and are here to help you look after your sexual health.
We're seeking your feedback and views on these services, and we want to know what you think is important, so that future services are what you want and will use. We are interested in your views even if you have never used Sexual Health Services.
Please click on the link below to take part. The survey is anonymous and it will not be possible to identify you from your response.
Sexual Health - Stakeholder Survey